Water Baptism: 5 Strong Reasons Is Relevant.

Water Baptism:

“The (water) baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? Answer me.” Mark 11:30 (KJV).

Meaning Of Water Baptism.

According to Strong’s concordance, “baptize” or “baptizo” (bap-tid-zo) means to make “whelmed” or completely wet. This refers to the ordinance of Christian baptism.

While Vines dictionary defines “baptizo” as primarily a frequentative form of “bapto”, which means “to dip.”

The Greeks used “baptizo” to signify the dyeing of a garment. Or the drawing of water by dipping a vessel into another, etc. While, Plutarchus used it to illustrate the fetching of wine by dipping the cup into the bowl (Alexis, 67). And Plato used the word metaphorically. ( “overwhelmed with questions”, Euthydemus, 277D).

“Baptism” or “baptisma” (bap-tis-mah) on its own consists of the processes of immersion, submersion, and emergence. (bapto “to dip”). This refers to both John’s and Christian’s “baptism”.

Christian Baptism is not spiritual cleansing but burial of the old, dead, sinful life and rebirth of a new life.

It is to dip a person into the water and then raise the person out of the water again.

So from the above definitions, we can conclude that John and Christian’s baptisms are by immersion only.

However, there is the method of sprinkling or pouring water on the head of the one baptized. Included are infant and clinical types of water baptism.

Views on the Importance Of Water Baptism.

Christians were not the only ones who practised baptism. However, all who practised it agree that it is a solemn ceremony. For example:-

The Jews of Christ’s Day believed baptism was a Sacred ceremony not everyone should perform it. (John 1:25).

While the traditionalists accepted to be baptized for the dead. (1st Cor. 15:29).

But to John the Baptist, baptism is about Christ. (John 1:31).

And to the Christian, water baptism establishes the spiritual validity of being in Christ.

So by baptism, Christians demonstrate faith that they are in the body of Christ, the Church.

The 5 Strong Reasons water baptism is Relevant

It is a Christian Rite.

The Lord Jesus Christ instituted water baptism. Mt.28:29.

Linked To Righteousness.

The Lord Jesus said water baptism is proper because it is the way to fulfil or complete all righteousness. Matt. 3:15.

Also Linked To Salvation.

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved..” Mark 16:16.

“We believe with the heart unto righteousness and confess with the mouth unto salvation.” Rom. 10:10.

While righteousness speaks of justification (guilt taken away) and Salvation of liberty, freedom, and safety.

Water baptism understandably links to the two. And this is because it fulfils both.

For no one comes to freedom or liberty (Salvation) unless one is first declared “not guilty.” (Righteousness).

Water baptism fulfils righteousness because it represents death and burial of the old life, as in the Cross of Christ. The death and burial of Christ is the basis for our righteousness. This is figured as one being completely immersed or submerged in water.

And it also fulfils Salvation because it represents the birth of a new life, as in the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection and ascension of Christ are the basis for our Salvation. This is figured as in one been brought out of the water.

Israel passed through the waters of the Red Sea for liberty, freedom, and safety. And water saved Noah and his family. So baptism also saves us. 1 Peter 3:20-21.

A Demonstration Of Faith.

“We are saved by Grace, through Faith” Eph. 2:8.

To establish the spiritual validity of God’s promises to us so that God steps in and makes that promise our own. We need to demonstrate faith. For example:

In establishing the spiritual validity of our being in Christ, we are commanded to undergo water baptism.

So by water baptism, we demonstrate faith that we are in Christ, in His mystical body, the Church.

The mystical body of Christ is a reality to which we must belong. We’re operating in this mystical body of Christ to have final authority over the devil.

Because to be a part of the mystical body of Christ is to be one with Christ. Romans 6:3-5.

Just as we partake of the Lord’s supper to demonstrate faith that Christ is in us.

Therefore, we demonstrate faith to prove the reality of a spiritual blessing. And God steps in to make the spiritual blessing our own.

And baptism is a demonstration of faith. It’s proof that the believer acts by faith, or baptism is the “pledge of a good conscience toward God.” Thus its importance to Christians.

Included In the Great Commission.

Christ made baptism mandatory for every one of His disciples. So if you believe in Christ, you must baptize.


We can conclude from the above that Christian baptism is by immersion and apply to adults only.

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